Lökös 3D CAD Technical Drawing
Turn your dreams into 3D models.
Welcome to the website of Lökös Technical Drawing, where precision and quality meet.
I started my career in 2008 as a bodywork builder and have gained experience in various locksmithing fields over the past 15 years. Since 2019, I have been active in the field of CAD drawing, assisting my clients with manufacturing processes and product development.
Neue Dienstleistungen ab September 2024:
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir unser Dienstleistungsangebot ab September 2024 erweitern! Ab sofort bieten wir auch 3D-Druckdienste an, damit Sie Ihre Projekte mit höchster Präzision und Qualität realisieren können. Ob es sich um Prototypen, maßgeschneiderte Bauteile oder dekorative Objekte handelt – wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Ideen in die Realität umzusetzen. Senden Sie die zu druckende Datei oder Skizze per E-Mail an info@loekoes.de, und wir senden Ihnen ein unverbindliches Angebot zu..
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I have extensive experience in the design of metal components, including products made from tube and hollow profiles, sheet metal parts, castings, and plans for CNC machining. In addition, I enjoy working with other materials such as wood, glass, or silicone.
We also support our clients during the product development process, paying special attention to aspects that, in my experience, should be considered. We work closely with our clients to achieve the best possible results.
Solid Edge® 2023: This software enables us to create precise and detailed technical drawings. We can provide files in the following formats: .stp, .stl, .3mf, .fbx, .iges, .obj, .ifc, .dxf.
ProgeCAD 2019: With this software, we create 2D drawings with a special focus on details. Supported formats: .dxf, .dwg, .stp.
KeyShot 11: This software assists us in realistic rendering. The rendered images are available in the following formats: .jpeg, .png, .exr, .tiff, .psd, .bip, .ksp.
My computer system used for CAD design has the following key specifications:
CPU: Two Intel Xeon processors with a total of 20 cores, providing exceptional speed and power for complex design tasks.
RAM: 128 GB, enabling smooth operation even with large 3D models.
GPU: Nvidia Quadro M6000 with 24 GB, allowing for precise and detailed graphical representation.
The software manufacturers and their products listed on this page are mentioned solely for informational purposes. We emphasize that our company is not in any official partnership or other relationship with the manufacturers of this software. The mention of this software is exclusively for a better understanding of the services we offer and does not constitute a partnership or support relationship with the software manufacturers.
Between 2018 and 2023, I was also involved in the planning and execution of custom fences. These projects allowed me to establish an extensive network in all areas of metal processing, which I now offer to our clients for the production of prototypes and small or large-scale manufacturing.
We have successfully collaborated with several renowned companies in product development and the creation of technical drawings for manufacturing. During our collaborations, we developed innovative solutions that contributed to the success of our partners. We are proud that these relationships were not limited to individual projects but evolved into long-term, reliable partnerships.